I personally have been receiving massage since I was 16. It was a once-or-twice per year treat; I loved how relaxed I felt after a massage and my muscles were much happier for it. Once I enrolled as a student at the New School for Massage, Bodywork and Healing, I realized the powerful potential of regular massage and I have never looked back.

Why do my clients come to Thinking Tree Massage? 

  • Muscular injuries, new or old - massage can help heal injuries quicker
  • Jobs that ramp up stress levels - everyone needs a chance to get away from the world and massage helps manage that stress
  • Treat Yo' Self! Massage can be a soothing, luxurious, and pampering experience. There's nothing wrong with treating yourself to a massage just because!
  • Chronic pain; massage has been known to help manage life-long pain from chronic conditions
  • Dancers, runners, weightlifters, cyclists, athletes, people with manual labor-heavy jobs - anyone who works hard with their bodies finds massage can improve recovery time.
  • Because life sometimes messes with our bodies. Long hours driving or sitting at a desk, constantly staring down at our phones, cold Wisconsin winters that cause us to curl in on ourselves for warmth...our bodies and our muscles are impacted by all these things - and I'm here to loosen, lengthen, and release those muscles you don't even realize are tight!

ABMP, the professional association I'm a member of, has a great list on their website detailing even more benefits of massage. If you're curious, follow the link here.